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Children are Costly. Calculate What’s Needed to Stay Afloat

by Matt Richman on August 13th, 2011

Young people with children often rely on financial and other forms of assistance from family, friends, and local and federal government programs.  Long-term planning is particularly important for young families who want to be self-sufficient; however, in a place like the Washington, D.C. region, the cost of living makes financial self-sufficiency difficult.

The DC Metro Area Self-Sufficiency Calculator (DCMASSC) is a financial and career planning tool that determines the cost of living in this area, and incorporates costs for a range of expenses such as healthcare, childcare, food, and transportation.  Once you determine your costs, the calculator will show what income is required to meet your needs.  With this information, you can make long-term choices about education, career and vocational training, and other ways to generate the income required for economic self-sufficiency.

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